Start investing intentionally

With Ellevest Impact Portfolios, the money you invest can have a positive impact on your future, the world, and other women.

Financial returns and social returns don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

Just like our core investing portfolios, you can be intentional and still have the opportunity to earn competitive market returns with your Ellevest Impact Portfolios.


The impact of investing intentionally


These portfolios invest in companies with more women leaders and policies that advance women.


These portfolios invest in funds supporting loans for affordable housing and community services.


These portfolios invest in companies with higher standards for sustainability and ethical practices.


We designed Ellevest Impact Portfolios with the same qualities as our core investment portfolios.

That means seeking to reduce risk through global diversification of investments, and keeping costs and taxes low. Ellevest Impact Portfolios add investments to make a positive impact for women or with higher standards for sustainability and ethical practices.

The world is better when we invest in women.


What’s the difference between Ellevest’s Impact and Core portfolios?

Both options are customized and designed to give you the best chance to reach your goals. Impact Portfolios are designed for positive social impact and advancing women on boards, senior leadership teams and other policies and practices.

Will my entire portfolio be invested in Impact Funds?

As a fiduciary, our first priority is to select the appropriate mix of investments to help you reach your goals. At this time, there are not sufficient impact investments that meet our fiduciary criteria for all of our asset classes. We continuously monitor the marketplace for new impact investments that we believe are suitable for your Ellevest Impact Portfolio.

How can I switch to an Impact portfolio?

To change your portfolio type to core or Ellevest Impact, click on the Investments tab in each of your goals and click on the pencil next to Core/Impact Portfolio.


Note: The ranges of fund fees stated above include blended expense ratios for investors’ overall portfolios, not individual fund expense ratios.

Forecasts or projections of investment outcomes in investment plans are estimates only, based upon numerous assumptions about future capital markets returns and economic factors. As estimates, they are imprecise and hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. This forecast is based on a Build Wealth goal and includes annual increases in monthly deposit based on your future salary curve. To forecast your salary curve, we consider your gender, salary, and education information you provide to us.